How to choose a name for the kitten

Can not decide what to call your kitten? Or do you think that is not enough for this fantasy. Then I'll try to help you. Choosing a name for a kitten - it's a real problem. For me personally, it is the number of options is almost unlimited, so it is difficult to make a decision. Yes, and often come to mind some funny, but pretty stupid idea. Therefore reject all the jokes aside and we will approach the process of choosing a name for your pet creatively. First, pay attention to the particular hearing cats. Sounds w, B, G, and H, C, W cause cats to listen. This is due to the structure of the auditory nerve. So if you call a cat a name that will contain the sound, then the child is faster and easier to get used to it. The name of the cat or cats should be easy to pronounce. After all, you will be referring to your pet dozens of times a day, so think about how to avoid having to utter every time something is very long and complicated. And if your pet already has a grand moniker, recorded in the pedigree, replace it with something simpler and nicer. A full name, leave for festive occasions. Secondly, the name may reflect the nature of the animal. It is "the ship name, so it will float", only in reverse. For example, a bullet or Sonia Murchik or Lucky (Lucky). You can still pay attention to the appearance of a kitten. Not for nothing so common guns, smoke and haze, Ginger and embers. You can select a name for the name of any object, such as a planet or the name of your favorite literary or historical figure. There is also a scientific approach to the selection of a name for the animal, for example, according to the sign or upon the owner. Can take it as a basis. And as always, the Internet will not leave without help. Look for lists of names for animals, there may be, there is what you prefer, and is ideal for a kitten. Most importantly, do not jump to the final selection, but do not experiment long enough to not get lost kitten. But a few days would be enough to your mind as if by chance it is very suitable for your particular beast full name or a funny nickname.

Common diseases of cats

If you are the proud owner of a miracle in the form of a fluffy cat, you should certainly be aware of the common diseases of cats, symptoms of these diseases and preventive measures. The cat may be ill various diseases, common cold starting and ending with a deadly cancer. Some of the possible diseases. 1. Rabies. This is - a viral disease transmitted through the bite of an infected animal. This infection directly affects the central nervous system. Sick cat is different and strange behavior of periodic fevers. Symptoms of rabies - it also increased salivation, changes in appetite, aggression to imaginary objects, dilated pupils, a riot. The last stage of the disease is different respiratory problems and paralysis, which usually ends up in death. 2. Infection of the respiratory tract. This infection can be fatal to a cat. The discharge from the nose and eyes, fever, red eyes, sneezing, loss of appetite - symptoms of respiratory tract infections. 3. Panleukopenia cats. This disease is also known as distemper cats. In this disease, the number of white blood cells is significantly reduced. This condition can affect the cat's immune system. As a result, the cat becomes more susceptible to infections. Panleukopenia symptoms: diarrhea, loss of appetite and vomiting. This - is a highly contagious viral disease transmitted through contact with a person infected with cat hair, and a cup of food. 4. Immunodeficiency virus cats. HIV cat passes through the bites of infected cats. Mouth infections, persistent diarrhea, lack of appetite, respiratory problems, chronic infection is not a cure - the main symptoms of HIV. 5. Infectious peritonitis cats. Infectious peritonitis is usually fatal to cats. Virus pathogen of the disease exists in two forms: wet (causing accumulation of fluid in the abdomen) and dry (do not cause accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity). Both forms of peritonitis can cause symptoms such as fatigue, fever, diarrhea, vomiting and loss of appetite. 6. Chlamydia cats. This is - a kind of bacteria that infect cats. Chlamydia are amazing, especially the eyes, accompanied by conjunctivitis. Common symptoms of chlamydia include cough, sneezing, anorexia, nasal discharge, pneumonia, breathing problems, fever and watery eyes. 7. Feline leukemia virus. It affects the immune system and cause various forms of cancer and other related diseases. The virus can be transmitted in cat fights. Other possible causes of transmission of this disease: sharing food, cups for food, urine, feces and saliva of infected cats. The virus can be transmitted to kittens in the womb. 8. Parasites. Cats can be infected with different types of parasites. External parasites such as fleas, ear mites are found on the skin or hair. These parasites can cause itching. Of intestinal parasites should be highlighted: hookworms, tapeworms and roundworms. Coccidia, who live in the inner walls of the intestines can cause diarrhea, dehydration and even death if untreated. 9. Urinary tract infections. This is - a group of diseases related to the urinary system cat. Disease in this group can cause pain, bleeding, and increased frequency of urination. Common symptoms of urinary tract: frequent urination, blood in the urine and the inability to urinate. Other associated symptoms include loss of appetite, dehydration, vomiting, depression and even death. 10. Diabetes cats. Many cats suffer from diabetes, which is an endocrine disorder. This violation is more characteristic of the fat cats. Symptoms of diabetes cats: increased appetite, a significant increase in water consumption, weight loss despite increased appetite. 11. Skin diseases. Skin diseases of cats may be related to the immune system, infection, heredity and the external manifestation of internal diseases. Alopecia and acne - common skin diseases of cats. Alopecia can be caused by a general disease, endocrine disorders, and localized infections. This disease causes hair loss, hair loss, redness and inflammation of the skin. This is - a contagious disease that causes constant itching, skin flakes and flaking of scales. Preventive measures. A cat can be protected from diseases. Most infections can be prevented by vaccination. To prevent skin infections and skin lesions parasites to maintain a clean skin. Try not to feed all the cats from the common cup. Noticing any symptoms of infection, immediately contact your veterinarian. Infections can be treated with antibiotics. When infections cats normally lose their appetite. However, to make a cat to eat and drink in order to work more effectively treated.


Breed of long-haired cats vary in size and color of the coat. Long-haired cats are small and quiet, playful and exciting, well aware of his voice and actively using the vocal cords. Pedigree longhairs mixed. Long-haired cats are considered the progenitors of American domestic shorthair cats. Long-haired cats are genetically similar to the domestic shorthair cats, from which they differ by only one recessive gene responsible for long hair. This gene was inherited by domestic longhaired cats. Long-haired cats are remembered, above all, fluffy wool. Among the long-haired cat breeds are: American Bobtail, angora, Asian long-haired cat (Tiffany), Balinese cat Burmese cat, Chantilly-Tiffany, cherub, a Himalayan cat, Javanese cat, the Maine Coon, Nibelung, a Norwegian Forest Cat, Oriental longhair cat , a Persian cat, Ragdoll, Siberian cat, Somali, Turkish Van cat, Turkish Angora cats. Long-haired cats need frequent and careful combing to prevent tangling hair and remove debris. There is a breed of long-haired cats, such as the Persian and Himalayan cats who need to be combed daily. Cats Maine Coon and Norwegian Forest cats need combing twice a week. Balinese cats, Burmese cats, Somali and ragdoll enough brushing once a week. Combing long-haired cats need to start at an early age to help the cats get used to the process. Combing - a good opportunity to establish a connection between you and your cat. Regular brushing is necessary to eliminate the long-haired cats that fell from wool. If the dead hair is not removed, it will form a damask stomach cat. Combing also helps to remove dead skin cells, dandruff, tones the muscles and improves circulation. Longhaired cats usually shed twice a year. Summer hair may fall out in the fall and be replaced by a thick winter coat. A winter coat may fall in the spring to make room for a light, summer coat. Among the longhairs washable breed is Ragdoll. Ragdoll cats shed much less than the other long-haired breeds. Consequently, they are less cause allergies. Wool under the tail of longhaired cats often contaminated feces, so the wool in this area is recommended to shave or shear off. Haircut longhair cat may also need to remove the matted fur and facilitate combing. Haircut longhairs best left to a professional or a vet. So you save yourself and your cat from excessive stress. Haircut longhair cats reduces shedding and contributes to less allergic reactions.

Domestic shorthair cat

Domestic shorthair not considered officially recognized breed. However, this does not prevent many cat lovers to bring them home and make them your favorites.
Domestic shorthair cats were first domesticated. Modern domestic shorthair shorthaired are descendants of African wild cat Felis silvestris lybica.
The history of domestic shorthair rooted hundreds of years ago, when people began to grow and store crops. These wild cats quickly realized that people were able to provide them with a constant source of food, ie rodents destroying food supplies. Cats began to live near human settlements, and soon people realized that these cats can help them get rid of the voracious rodents. Then, about 4,000 years ago, Egyptian cats have become popular pets, and soon the sacred cult - the embodiment of the goddess Bast.
Egyptians defend their cats and did not allow them to take out of the country. However, Phoenician traders still managed to take the cats in Europe and the British Isles. And the Romans have taken the cats in other conquered countries in Europe. In Asia, the cat came by Buddhist monks.
Soon cats were taken to all corners of the world. Cats are often transported on ships, so that they were even in America.
Domestic shorthair cats are different successful combination of genes that make them very healthy breed. Domestic shorthair characterized by a variety of coloring, physique and character. In areas with cold climates in domestic shorthair usually thick hair and a strong constitution. In warm areas domestic shorthair stand light colored and less dense coat.
Individual features of domestic shorthair cats are the same as they are colorful wool, that is, they are very diverse temperaments. This is explained by ignorance of their ancestors, and therefore can not be predicted for certain behavior. You can fall very vociferous cat that no one can drown. You can get nearly voiceless cat who loves to explore the area in silence. Your kitten can grow to an impressive size cat or a miniature cat. Your cat can be incredibly inquisitive or vice versa reserved and withdrawn. Although domestic shorthair cats, in general, relatively agile longhaired cats. The conditions and the environment will largely determine personality domestic shorthair cat.
Life expectancy domestic shorthair cats depends on the care and love from you. Domestic shorthair live 8-20 years. Although there are cats who have lived for more than 20 years. Life expectancy sterilized and neutered cats and cats for 2-5 years more. Good food, love and the absence of disease, of course, help to increase life expectancy.
Domestic shorthair cat cause allergies less than long-haired cats. Caring for domestic shorthair cats, a minimum.

So you've decided to get a cat ...

The appearance of a cat in the house - a responsible decision, which should be carefully considered. After all, it is because of the hasty adoption of such solutions we have today so many stray cats. Although cats are cute, furry and all the best pets, should take into account a number of factors before purchasing a cat or kitten. Here are just a few questions to be answered on the verge of making this important decision. Do I have time? Despite the opinion of friends and acquaintances, the cat should be given time each day. And not only for the care, feeding and play. Many cats feel lonely if their owner is absent for a long time, especially if the house has no other cats. Do I have the money? In addition to the cost of food, toiletries and other accessories, do not forget the costs of veterinary services, both preventive and emergency care. Do I have to take the cat in the shelter? Yes. Please check first local shelter for cats, before buying a cat. The shelters are thousands of abandoned and stray cats, of which you should be able to choose a suitable pet. This is a big plus for you. You do not have to spend money on the cat itself. Who should I start: a kitten or an adult cat? Kittens certainly cute creatures. But remember, they are kittens very long. The shelters are much more adult cats than kittens looking for a house. Note first in adult cats, before thinking about the kitten. Although if you find a kitten that you like, take the kitten. Just be ready for his antics. After all, kittens are generally less educated than females. Will you need to trim the claws? Decide, of course, to you, but it's best not to. Many do not realize that cutting claws means removing the first joint of the fingers. Imagine how you would feel if you have removed the tips of his fingers? Some cats after the procedure developed psychological problems. There are countries in which the procedure is prohibited, as it is considered cruel, for example, in England. If you are worried about the furniture or for young children, take a cat that claws already removed the previous owner. These cats are also in need of a house, and they've gone through this painful procedure, so that the way back they no longer have. What will I feed the cat? Again, you decide. Talk to your veterinarian. What food they can recommend?