Domestic shorthair cat

Domestic shorthair not considered officially recognized breed. However, this does not prevent many cat lovers to bring them home and make them your favorites.
Domestic shorthair cats were first domesticated. Modern domestic shorthair shorthaired are descendants of African wild cat Felis silvestris lybica.
The history of domestic shorthair rooted hundreds of years ago, when people began to grow and store crops. These wild cats quickly realized that people were able to provide them with a constant source of food, ie rodents destroying food supplies. Cats began to live near human settlements, and soon people realized that these cats can help them get rid of the voracious rodents. Then, about 4,000 years ago, Egyptian cats have become popular pets, and soon the sacred cult - the embodiment of the goddess Bast.
Egyptians defend their cats and did not allow them to take out of the country. However, Phoenician traders still managed to take the cats in Europe and the British Isles. And the Romans have taken the cats in other conquered countries in Europe. In Asia, the cat came by Buddhist monks.
Soon cats were taken to all corners of the world. Cats are often transported on ships, so that they were even in America.
Domestic shorthair cats are different successful combination of genes that make them very healthy breed. Domestic shorthair characterized by a variety of coloring, physique and character. In areas with cold climates in domestic shorthair usually thick hair and a strong constitution. In warm areas domestic shorthair stand light colored and less dense coat.
Individual features of domestic shorthair cats are the same as they are colorful wool, that is, they are very diverse temperaments. This is explained by ignorance of their ancestors, and therefore can not be predicted for certain behavior. You can fall very vociferous cat that no one can drown. You can get nearly voiceless cat who loves to explore the area in silence. Your kitten can grow to an impressive size cat or a miniature cat. Your cat can be incredibly inquisitive or vice versa reserved and withdrawn. Although domestic shorthair cats, in general, relatively agile longhaired cats. The conditions and the environment will largely determine personality domestic shorthair cat.
Life expectancy domestic shorthair cats depends on the care and love from you. Domestic shorthair live 8-20 years. Although there are cats who have lived for more than 20 years. Life expectancy sterilized and neutered cats and cats for 2-5 years more. Good food, love and the absence of disease, of course, help to increase life expectancy.
Domestic shorthair cat cause allergies less than long-haired cats. Caring for domestic shorthair cats, a minimum.